Wednesday, December 23, 2009

These pictures just shout "Merry Christmas!" Lindy called me last minute to get some quick family pictures. I was a little concerned because the snow was falling and the sky was gray - just not sure if I could produce anything worthwhile. So so so glad I went over because these pictures make me smile. While I was editing, I couldn't help but say out loud to myself, "These are so cute."

Baby's blue eyes just pop out at you - adorable (not to mention his model-like parentage).
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Evidence of our "working conditions"
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Can you tell this kid is adored? I can.
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{lindy baker cakes} December 23, 2009 at 11:24 PM  

chellese. i'm crazy about these pictures. thank you thank you so much for doing this last minute. i love how they turned out! thanks also for your kind words. i wouldn't say that blake's parents are at all model like, but i do think he's pretty cute. ha ha. thanks again!!!

carrie December 23, 2009 at 11:44 PM  

You are right Chellese, these are way cute, great job!

Estela December 28, 2009 at 7:41 PM  

These pictures are amazing, Chellese. Baby Blake does have the most beautiful blue eyes and his dimples are adorable. It is easy to see where Blake's good-looks came from :)

Mindika December 30, 2009 at 12:58 AM  

Chellese! I saw these pictures on Lindy's blog and had no idea that you took them. Not surprised though...they are beautiful. I guess you can't really go wrong with such a perfectly gorgeous little family!

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Carrie: 801-850-8560

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