Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I'm working on some Valentine photo shoot ideas. Hopefully, I'll have some pics to show soon. Of course, it's a great time to capture your little sweethearts, but, ladies, if you're thinking of a great (unexpected) gift for your Valentine, have your own pictures taken.

Here's the special:

5 edited pictures on disk
4 x 6 prints of all five pictures
One 8 x 10 of your choice


15 edited pictures on disk
4 x 6 prints of all 15 pictures
Two 8 x 10 OR Two 12 x 12 of your choice

Call 801-822-9999 to book an appointment.

From Google Image search

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Chellese: 801-822-9999
Carrie: 801-850-8560

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